Use Video to Be the Real Person Your Potential Clients Are Looking For

Roberta Ravella
2 min readMar 13, 2022

“I need a LIVE REP you freakin’ Dumbass!” The automated phone responder could only reply: “okay, but first I need to know what you are calling about”. And my coworker kept yelling back at it LIVE PERSON, I need a real PERSON . . . add in your favorite explicative here.

We were looking for one piece of information, but you needed to talk to someone to get it. The auto-bots didn’t understand. A real person, that had experience with our product, understood in 2 minutes. Just good luck getting one.

Where is a real person when you just need an answer to your problem? Maybe it’s you, answering your potential clients problem.

Marketing gurus tell you to find holes in the market. One that the Big Guys on Google aren’t willing to deal with. How do you do it without getting stuck with an obscure problem? Or a terrible problem that you don’t really want to solve? Be a real person.

One of my realtor clients is marketing “should I buy a house right now”. The Google search answers sound like someone from Harvard econ department wrote them. Maybe it’s good advice, but what if I’m a normal person, just trying to buy a normal house?

We searched again with “should I buy a house right now in Spring, Texas”, a town where they are marketing. A few Big Box ads and one video popped up. The video was from a realtor, a real one, that knows the area. She gave actual advice. The kind of advice I would get from her if we were having a coffee and I asked her “is now a good time to buy a house?”

That’s who I’m calling when I’m ready to buy a house. No econ degree needed. Just a real person.

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Roberta Ravella

Coach for Business Owners that want to Stand Out in a Crowd/Grow Your Business by Identifying Your High Value Clients/Author/Podcaster/Deep Dive Problem Solver